Poor little thing. Brian and Brenda had assumed he was a baby as he was pretty small - just 403gms, but on examination it was apparent he was an adult as he had really big feet and well developed claws. He presented with severe mange - with cracks all over his skin, starvation, dehydration and was hypothermic.
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I'm really hungry and thirsty! |
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The open wound on Yoda's back caused by Mange cracking. |
After Yoda had polished off two bowls full of food, I decided he was strong enough to cope with an oil bath so we warmed some oil up and he got 'the treatment' which is essentially to cover the whole hog in oil to smother the mange mites and ease the itch. It also begins to soften the mange crust and condition the skin. The crust was very thick and had started to cause his skin to crack. The largest crack was on his back and was really nasty.
Once he'd had his bath, I tucked him up on his heat pad in the hospital box I had prepared for him and he went off to sleep.
Day two - and he's getting those feet tucked in a bit more. |
Day two dawned and Yoda was still with us. He had eaten well overnight and gained a good amount of weight. When I got him up to clean his room and give him his dose of Advocate he managed to curl up more than he had the previous night which was great. The crust was starting to lift off as well and I spent a 'happy' 1/2 hour 'picking scabs of the hedgehog'! Yuck!
I also started him on twomedications - Deprim; an antibiotic and Panacur; a parasite medication.
See my 'V' shaped bum? Not good! |
On the afternoon of day 6, Yoda declined dramatically. For the first week I had been waking him up during the day to eat as his weight gain had been sporadic and his appetite wasn't the best. On this day he didn’t eat much during the day when I woke him to have something to eat, refused all food from 3pm and then developed awful diarrhoea that night. He didn’t eat at all that night and dropped 48gm, which was nearly half of what I’d managed to get him to gain in the previous week. By 3 pm Fri he’d had nothing to eat or drink for 24hrs and I made the decision to force feed him. He was surprisingly amenable and managed feed him; up to 20mls at a time, every 2 hours until bed time. That night he actually ate some biscuits and managed to gain a little. The following morning I decided to leave him be other than to give him one syringe feed so that I could give him his morning medication and the Diatomaceous Earth I’ve started him on. I then left him to sleep for the rest of the day. The following morning he had eaten well, had trashed his bedroom and had gained 44gms.
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Yoda rockin' his new fat bum! |
Poor Yoda! What a nasty case of mange...
So glad to hear he's doing OK, hope he continues doing so!
Hugs and Prayers!
Yesterday, Yoda weighed 851gms and has started to regrow his prickles. It won't be too long before he can move home and move into one of my outside hutches :)